Instrument |
Instrument Name: | CanariCam |
Telescope: | Gran Telescopio Canarias (GTC) |
Telescope Aperture: | 10.4 meters |
Telescope Port: | |
Status: | Operational |
Commissioning Date: | |
Polarimetry: | |
Polarimetry Type: | imaging- and spectro-polarimetry |
Stokes Parameters: | I
U |
Wavelength Range: | 7.5 - 13 microns |
Modulator Type: | Achromatic Rotating Retarder |
Modulator Type Other: |
Modulation Frequency: |
Analyzer Type: | Wollaston Prism |
Analyzer Type Other: |
Sensitivity: | |
Accuracy Zero Point: |
Accuracy Scaling: |
Imaging: | Yes |
Wavelength Range: | 7.5 - 13 microns |
Field of View: | 26" x 5" |
Resolution: | |
Pixel Scale: | 0.08 "/pixel |
Pixel Dimensions: | |
Sensor Type: | |
Limiting Magnitude: | |
Coronograph: | |
Coronograph Type: | |
Coronograph IWA: | |
Adaptive Optics: | No |
DM, Number of Actuators: | |
DM Type: | |
WFS Type: | |
WFS Update frequency: | |
Strehl: | |
Limiting Magnitude: | |
Spectroscopy: | Yes |
Sampling: | |
Wavelength Range: | 7.5 - 13 microns |
Spectral Resolution: | |
Limiting Magnitude: | |
Instrument Image: | |
Instrument Image Caption: | |
Instrument Reference Paper: | |
Known Issues: | |
Instrument Contact: | |
Instrument Website: | |
Planned Upgrades: | |
Science |
Science Description: | |
Target Types: | |
Sample Image/Result: | |
Sample image Caption: | |
Sample Science Papers: | |
Remarks: | |