Title: Dust in the diffuse interstellar medium: Extinction, emission, linear and circular polarisation
Date of Publication: 22.08.2013
First Author:  
First Name: Ralf
Last Name: Siebenmorgen
Email: Ralf.Siebenmorgen@eso.org
Affiliation: ESO
Affiliation Address: European Southern Observatory, Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. 2, D-85748 Garching b. Munchen
Co-authors: N.V. Voshchinnikov,
S. Bagnulo
External Link: http://www.eso.org/~rsiebenm/FTP/RSiebenmorgenDust.pdf
Keyword: Polarisation: linear, circular
Keyword: (ISM:) dust, extinction
Keyword: Radiative transfe r